Saturday, November 20, 2010

Malibu Ice Cream

Today I have a quick, easy and very fun recipe for you. It's a most delicious Malibu flavoured ice cream. Not only does it taste great but it'll get you pretty drunk and pretty soon.

What you'll need:
150 grams icing sugar
2 tablespoons of Malibu (or any coconut flavoured rum)
3 tablespoons of apple liquor
500 ml double cream.
3 shots pomegranate or cranberry juice.

Add the icing sugar and the juice into a bowl. Whisk until the sugar has dissolved into the juice Once dissolved add in the rest of the ingredients while whisking. Whisk all the ingredients until the cream has thickened. Place into the freezer for a few hours and badda-bing, badda-boom you're already for one delicious and alcoholic cold treat. Also this recipe is so versatile that if rum or coconut aren't really to your liking then you can just change the flavours to your own choice.

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